MECMA Releases List of First Group of Professors for 2025 Edition

As the launch date for the 4th edition of the Middle East Classical Music Academy continues to inch ever closer, organisers are proud to announce the first group of professors that will be leading some of the many classes on offer during this latest iteration of the biggest music education initiative in the MENA region.

As the launch date for the 4th edition of the Middle East Classical Music Academy continues to inch ever closer, organisers are proud to announce the first group of professors that will be leading some of the many classes on offer during this latest iteration of the biggest music education initiative in the MENA region.

Running from the 6th to the 21st of April 2025, MECMA shall incorporate masterclasses for no fewer than 11 different instruments, including the violin, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, french horn, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, and piano, while there will also be a number of courses specifically designed for youth orchestras, as well as masterclasses tailored for choral ensembles.

Students in each of these courses will be guided by a pedagogical roster that has been handpicked from amongst the top pedagogues active today, with this first list of confirmed professors within the piano department alone including such luminaries as Cordelia Höfer-Teutsch (Austria), Miroslav Kultyshev (Russia). Gabriele Leporatti (Italy), Gesa Luecker (Germany), Giuliano Mazzoccante (Italy), Nikita Mndoyants (France), and Stepan Simonian (Germany), as well as Special Guest Professors Behzod Abduraimov (Uzbekistan), Tomas Grau (Spain), Denis Kozhukhin (Belgium), to mention a few. 

Students within the strings faculty, meanwhile, will be able to enjoy tuition from violinists Giuseppe Gibboni (Italy), Sergei Dogadin (Austria), Nikita Boriso-Glebsky (Russia), and Zohrab Tadevosyan (Spain); cellists Alexander Chaushian (UK/Armenia) and Alexander Ramm (Russia); and violist Andrey Usov (Russia), with many more names set to be announced in future days.

These will be joined by clarinettists Sergey Eletskiy (Russia), Antonio Tinelli (Italy/Switzerland), and Special Guest Professor Fabrizio Meloni (Italy); flautist Tommaso Benciolini (Italy); and saxophonist Nikita Zimin (Russia) for the winds department, as well as Special Guest Professor Alan Chircop (Malta), who will be leading a series of Personal Development Courses.


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